A Gilded Cage

by Auburn Tempest

Ye screw with this lass, ye get put on yer ass.

Life sucker-punched me…

I have family I didn’t know about, a magical heritage laying its claim, and a mystery I apparently need to solve.

There are three things I love most in life…my wild and crazy Irish family, Redbreast Whiskey at Shenanigans, and living in Toronto.

Having grown up with five older brothers, I can fight my way out of most situations, either with my wicked sense of humor or my fists. Often both. But when a back-alley brawl leaves me marked with a bizarre Celtic crest on my back, I become a beacon for all things whacked and weird.

My dad is obviously freaked when he sees the tat, but he won’t discuss it.

So, I do what any stubborn red-headed lass would—I ignore all advice and fly to the Emerald Isle to get answers.

You know that saying about hindsight being 20/20?

True Story.

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Category: Fantasy – Paranormal & Urban