A Dead Ship in the Deep Black

by Rene Astle

Living on the edge, the crew of the Lyra expects surprises. But they’re not prepared for the one they find when the ship picks up two new members and a salvage job on a third-rate space station.

As the ship’s engineer and all-around fixer, Tink is used to a life of odd jobs and even odder crewmates. Her mission is to keep the ship running smoothly. It’d be a lot easier if Grim, the ship’s cat, stayed out of her engine room.

Alek Wa is on the run, hiding amongst the motley crew of Lyra. But that’s not the only reason he’s onboard. His minders gave him a mission — if only they told him what it was.

Captain Rebeka Mino just wants to retire to her room with a whiskey and a steamy novel. Too bad the ship keeps getting shot at.

And when they arrive at the coordinates for the salvage job, they’re confronted by a dead ship in the deep black.

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Category: Science Fiction – Adventure