Colossus and the Crabby D F JonesONE LAST CHANCE TO SAVE THE WORLD … OR DOOM IT? ‘A whip-cracker…’ – Chicago Tribune The 22nd Century. Dr. Charles Forbin is Earth’s most powerful man. As mediator between Colossus, the Super Computer, and the rest of humanity, Forbin holds the key to Earth’s fate. When Colossus, an awe-inspiring technological creation suddenly became self-aware and took upon itself the task of righting humanity’s wrongs with no regard for humans themselves, Forbin intervened. He took the decision to turn off his great machine – but could not do it alone. Forbin called upon invaders from Mars. But now, the Martians have returned. And they want compensation. $0.99 [amazon-element asin=”B016E8RHOS” fields=”button” button_url=””] Category: Science Fiction – First Contact |