No Promise of Tomorrow

by Cody Lennon

The bedrock of the Union is fractured. Ravaged by unprecedented economic disaster, the country finds itself embroiled in a bloody and prolonged civil war. The federal government maintains power over a rump state in the East, while former states and vast territories have seceded into autonomy, governed by warring militias. Ordinary Americans are stuck amid the turmoil. As the years pass, hope for a brighter future fades.

Owen Ramsey, a young, up-and-coming federal agent, dreams of nothing more than to reunite the nation back under one flag. But wanting the Union restored is one thing, achieving it is another. With the greatest accomplishment of his career within reach, Owen finds his devotion to flag and country shattered when the lawless political arena of the Free States erases everything he has worked toward.

Previously $4.99

Category: Science Fiction – Dystopian