The Wizard Killer – Season One

by Adam Dreece

“Harry Potter meets Die Hard” –
“…imaginative and compelling series that is quite difficult to stop reading” – Readers’ Favorite, 5 stars

The world, once at the height of magical technology and social order has collapsed. How and why are the least of the wizard killer’s worries.

— Leaning my bloody head against the back of the crashed levitating carriage, I flex my cramped fingers. With a renewed grip on the mana-pistol, I steal a quick breath. The others better wake up fast, otherwise we’re all going to burn. —

20 pulse-pounding, relentless episodes of 1st person, present INTENSE, Post-Apocalyptic Fantasy. A completely new side to YA best-seller Adam Dreece

Previously $2.99

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Category: Science Fiction – Post-Apocalyptic