by Mia Frances

Alex is taking her sisters and their kids to her camp in the Adirondacks when the unthinkable happens. The country is attacked and they must seek immediate shelter. Greeted by guns and bullets when they try to find refuge, they hide in a cave to avoid the fallout. When her sisters leave to look for their husbands, Alex is left with the children. It’s a 35-mile hike to her camp through villages that have become killing fields. Alex rescues two children orphaned in the chaos. Society is devolving. Looters, rapists, and killers are in control. Her life is changed forever when she stumbles on a cache of food only to discover its owner is a man who’ll haunt her nightmares: half guardian angel, half demon. Both barbarian and benefactor. A strange mixture of brutality and gentleness, cruelty and caring. A man named Wolf!

Previously $2.99

Category: Science Fiction – Post-Apocalyptic