The Hunter’s Rede

by F.T. McKinstry

Lorth of Ostarin is an assassin trained by a wizard unknown to his kind. He is paid very well to employ both the primeval darkness of a hunter and the ordered light of a mage, an uneasy combination he does not question until he returns home after a long assignment and trips into a turbid river of war, politics and the violation of all he holds dear. Lawless and adept, he picks no sides and takes no prisoners. When his wolfish ways get him imprisoned for crimes he did not commit, he discovers the deeper source of his ability and falls in love with a priestess who frees him to his fate. But the rift in his heart widens under the forces of love, loyalty and the occupation of his realm by a warlord who honors neither hunters nor wizards. To reclaim his homeland, Lorth must bow his head to death itself, a sacrifice that will transform him into the most powerful hunter the land has ever known.

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Category: Fantasy – Epic

The Gray Isles

by F.T. McKinstry

In the Gray Isles, a northern realm cloaked in legends and storms, lives a secret. For thousands of years it lay only in the imaginations of sailors. Now, it has surfaced; first to Eadred, a wizard banished by his kind after being cursed by a witch; and then to Hemlock, a fisherman’s son orphaned by the sea. The collision of their paths involves a formidable wizard named Lorth, an assassin and servant to the old powers. What appears to Lorth as a quarrel between Eadred and Hemlock swiftly deteriorates into a manhunt that plunges him into a tricky world of visions, myths and politics through which he discovers that Hemlock is not what he seems. Racing time, Lorth must bare his sword against an army, violate discretion and risk his own stature in order to free Hemlock from the clutches of daimonic transformation before he unleashes the forces of earth and sea on the mortal world.

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