The Federal Witch by T S Paul
The Federal Witch
by T S Paul
This is the First Box Set of the Series.
Imagine a world where Witches, Weres, and Vampires work among us. The Paranormals “came out” to the world during World War one. History as we know it took a left turn as world events changed. World war two never happened as we remember it. The Empire of Japan still exists. As does the British Empire. America is finding itself overwhelmed by magic. Particularly the FBI.
Agatha Blackmore is a Witch and she has all but been drafted by the FBI to help. Demons, dragons, Weres, and Fae are her opponents. What can one small Witch do against the world?
Read the Prequel and books 1 &2 to find out!
Previously $7.99
Category: Science Fiction – Metaphysical & Visionary