The Banner of the Broken Orc

by Aiden L Turner

When the Dark Lord rises blood will flow!

Prince of men, lord of light, and champion of the weak, Jacob’s immense physical strength is matched only by his great kindness. Until an animal rage awakens, and he is born anew. Reborn like a warrior of old. A hero with skill unparalleled and a god-given power.

He surrounds himself with loyal warriors, violent men with scarred faces and bloodied swords. When his true love is held prisoner by his sadistic uncle, nothing will stop his vengeance. He wades through the blood of friend and foe alike. He will murder men. He will slay orcs, goblins, and monsters far more horrific. But at the end, will he have the strength of heart to resist? Or will his actions bind him to the Darkness?

Aiden L Turner brings Fast-paced, brutal battle scenes, and a rich plot with defined world building. Guts, gore, and glory!

Previously $3.99

Category: Fantasy – Epic