
Tales Of Nevaeh: The Trilogy and Backstory of the Epic Sci-Fi Fantasy Series Tales Of Nevaeh: (The 4 Book Bundled Box Set)

by David Wind

Welcome to Nevaeh—where magic has replaced technology. Long ago, the violence and radiation of terrorist wars killed America. Descendants of the survivors now dwell in a world of ritual and magic, where ten dominions struggle for supremacy and a dark, formidable power has emerged.

Set three thousand years in the future, and following the 20th and 21st centuries terrorist wars, Tales Of Nevaeh is a non-High-Tech science fiction and fantasy version of the possible evolution of humanity into the paranormal and with increased basic human abilities enabling people to rise above the horror that destroyed their world, while the descendants of their old enemy, those who destroyed the world, arise in an attempt to overshadow the future and conquer the world. The Complete Boxed Set Bundle of the Epic Trilogy

Previously $4.99

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Category: Fantasy – Epic