
by Charlotte E. English

From the author of The Tales of Aylfenhame and Castle Chansany comes a cozy, uplifting, warm-hearted fantasy about found family, wholeness, and hope.

‘You may have noticed,’ said Maut, ‘that the Tree is on the move.’

On the edge of the town of Kottow stands the tallest (and oddest) Tree in the land. It’s a staid and solid arbour — until the Tree picks up its mighty old roots and wanders off, taking its resident band of misfits away with it. Whither goes the Tree? Not even the wizard can say.

The good folk of Kottow aren’t used to so wayward a magic — not even Maut Fey, the one with the sunlight behind her eyes. But magic will have its way with them, whether they will or no.

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Category: Fantasy – Fairy Tales