

by Atthys J. Gage

People are dying in a downtown alley, their bodies shriveled away to almost nothing. The police are mystified, and rumors are flying, but Francy Macmillan says nothing. It isn’t a comfort knowing that no matter how wild the theories, the truth is even stranger.

That truth wasn’t hard to find. It followed her home from basketball practice, a speck of light that can speak in her mind, share her feelings, her memories. She calls him Spark.

But as their friendship grows, a disturbing fact emerges: Spark knows who’s responsible for the mysterious deaths, knows that the alley itself is a portal into another world populated with eccentric creatures who appear almost human. They’ve been using the portal to try and enter our world, and it’s up to Francy to stop them.

So what happens when a sentient, extraterrestrial fleck of light befriends a high school student?

Sparks fly, that’s what.

Previously $2.99

Category: Fantasy – Paranormal & Urban