Soul Search

by Reyna Favis

What if everything you knew about the afterlife was wrong? Welcome to Fia’s world.

Fia hates the dead. With bleeding wounds and broken bodies, the spirits infect her with the anguish of their last living moments. Thrust into adult life after a childhood spent in an institution, the assaults escalate and the world thinks she owns the deluxe edition of crazy. Fia needs a dead-free zone if she’s going to learn how to cope with life among the living. Convinced that the woods are empty and safe, she signs on with a wilderness search and rescue team.

Bad assumption. Big mistake. There is no relief from the demanding dead.

When Fia witnesses a Psychopomp leading a dead boy through a portal to the afterlife, she is frantic to learn the secret of how to free herself from the dead. Can she overcome her necrophobia and serve the Guide of Souls?

Previously $2.99

Category: Fantasy – Paranormal & Urban