Song of the Sea Spirit

by K.C. May

In a world of endless war, one woman learns the key to achieving peace—and the magical power to carry it out. But when profiteers discover her secret, to assure her silence they threaten everything and everyone she holds dear.

They never expected her to fight back.

The Mindstream Chronicles is an epic fantasy saga. If you like unique magic systems, engaging characters, and fiery battle scenes, then you’ll love The Mindstream Chronicles.

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Category: Fantasy – Metaphysical & Visionary

Call of the Colossus

by K.C. May

Book 2 of The Mindstream Chronicles

Condemned murderer—and now Gatekeeper—Jora Lanseri is offered a chance at redemption in exchange for her silence. Driven to protect her only remaining brother, she must covertly investigate the dark and hidden forces smuggling the life-giving godfruit to Serocia’s enemies and perpetuating the long and bloody war.

Aided by the dolphin Sundancer, Jora discovers more long-forgotten secrets of the Spirit Stones—including the ability to call the Colossus, the ancient warrior statues positioned around Jolver. But the Colossus warriors had fought against the previous Gatekeeper in the war known as The Great Reckoning. Can Jora convince them to join her struggle for peace and justice, or will they side with her nemesis and use her brother against her?

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