
Saints of Wura Box Set

by J.T. Williams

Three complete novels with bonus content!

Winemaker of the North

Sviska is an assassin sent under guise as a winemaker in a secluded city. Learning that magic, once thought destroyed, still exists here, he is thrust into the truth that his masters follow an ancient evil and that the entire world is at risk. He must choose to believe his new friends or forsake the brotherhood he has always known.

Arcane Awakening

Men have attacked and thrown down the city of Elinathrond. Sviska flees with three other companions with the sacred book of magic. With the charge to return magic to the world, Sviska must chase after one of his wayward saints in an attempt to steer him back towards their path. But a new power is rising in the land. One more malevolent than any man in existence.

Reckoning in the Void

The war for magic is upon the lands. The final struggle against the Itsu begins.

Previously $7.99

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Category: Fantasy – Sword & Sorcery