Rook (Bridge & Sword Series #1)

by JC Andrijeski

“You are the Bridge…” Allie Taylor lives in a world populated by seers, a second race discovered on Earth at the beginning of the 20th Century. Psychic, hyper-sexual and enslaved by governments, corporations and wealthy humans, seers are an exotic fascination to Allie, but one she knows she’ll likely never encounter, given how rich you have to be to get near one.

Then Allie finds herself on the run from the law, labeled a terrorist and in the middle of a race war she didn’t even know existed. Yanked out of her life by the mysterious and uncommunicative Revik, Allie discovers her blood may not be as “human” as she always thought, and the world of seers might not be quite as distant as she always imagined.

Then Revik tells her she’s the Bridge, a seer meant to usher in the evolution of humanity––or possibly its extinction.

Previously $2.99

Category: Science Fiction – Metaphysical & Visionary