Leadership, Heaven and Hell; and a Cybersentient Hero

by Gary C. Mele, Jr.

150 years in the future, a cosmic shudder pulls the Earth from orbit and ceases its rotation. Half the planet dies in a fiery blaze while the opposite half freezes in a perpetual screaming night. A fraction of the population survives by escaping to one of three livable space stations. But only children – one from each family – are chosen to go. The space stations cannot sustain without Earth’s resources. Over the course of a decade, humans execute bold plans, but survival is futile. A strategy born from desperation finds success; transfer the human soul to a massive, three-story robot body. The process is far from foolproof. Many do not come through, and for the people remaining, that fate is worse than their loved one’s death!

Previously $5.99

Category: Science Fiction – Dystopian

Leadership, Flux and Serene; and a Cybersentient Queen

by Gary C. Mele, Jr.

220 miles above the Earth, the cybersentients were successful in their battle against the maniacal diems. But Abraxas and his horde of monster demon machines are back with a vengeance and a sinister plan. The cybersentient’s home, space station: Oryan 2155, is their target for destruction. Samuel has demonstrated strength, bravery and a keen ability with firearms, but in the ultimate battle of good vs. evil, the key to victory is not of the physical world. Whether reading thoughts, harnessing energy or seeing the future, Samuel must learn to trust his cousin, Eve. Her near-death experience has given her insights that Samuel doesn’t understand. But he must. The only way the cybersentients will defeat the diems is to harness the power of the three keys of spirituality – Affinity, Flux and Serene!

Previously $5.99