Iron Bloom

by Billy Wong

Get the first two books in the series for just 99 cents total!

Action-packed fantasy adventure with a powerhouse female epic warrior in the spirit of Achilles or Beowulf.

The tale of a mighty warrior torn between the power of the sword and her longing for a peaceful life.

A young woman with a kind heart and amazing resilience, Rose becomes a warrior thinking she can better the world. Despite the wealth and fame she wins as one of the greatest champions of her time, the bloody reality of her new life is nothing like her ideal dream. She yearns for a chance to escape the violence.

She finds that chance in Ethan, the leader of an altruistic pacifist group. But when a barbarian horde invades their kingdom, Rose knows that she could make a big difference by taking up her sword again. Will her need to protect her homeland cost her the man she loves?

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Category: Fantasy – Coming of Age

Iron Flower

by Billy Wong

Action-packed fantasy adventure with a powerhouse female epic warrior in the spirit of Achilles or Beowulf.

Years are only one way to age in this tale of a young warrior whose army-slaying sword belies her kind heart.

One of the greatest fighters in the world, nearly indestructible Rose lets few things strike fear into her—but magic is one of them. Nonetheless, she seeks out the magical dangers left by the ancients alongside warrior partner Finn and curious scholar Derrick in order to protect others from them. Their mission is complicated by Rose and Finn’s budding romance, as her choice of lifestyle conflicts with his expectations for the woman he loves. But when their quest pits against such titanic foes as a prince able to slay a thousand men in a day and a draconic archmage, will Rose be forced to embrace the very magic she fears?

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