Eden’s Serum

by Angelique Anderson

A modern-day Frankenstein meets Minority Report.

Adam Carpenter is the founder of Identicoin.
A tiny quarter-sized disk that stores a person’s medical, financial, and criminal records and can be used on any compatible machine.

His invention lands him his own division of one of the most lucrative companies in the world and a financial compensation enough to purchase the last step needed for the perfect life.


Adam is convinced he has it all until Evelyn Black breezes into his life, demanding his attention.
When the serum backfires and Adam finds out that his days are numbered, everything he believes will be false.
Now, people are dropping dead like flies, and it will be up to Adam and Evelyn to uncover the mystery that is Eden’s Serum.

A Cybertech thrill ride that takes you into a shocking future, Eden’s Serum proves that immortality can be deadly…

Previously $3.99

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Category: Science Fiction – Genetic Engineering