Dawn of Fire

by C.B. Vaughn

The ancient and enigmatic continent of Zannondale had seen its fair share of sorrow. Tortured and despoiled by the wars that had devastated its once glittering realms, it still felt the aftereffects centuries later. And now, from far back into the past, a new and more powerful evil than ever is rising, one that threatens to turn Zannondale’s fields to dust and her cities to ashes.

The brutal and merciless Baron Chronus has only one desire and that is to rule over all, no matter what. And for two young men, Dorian and Dain, it means the end of their carefree lives forever. Together with their mentor Julius and the ferocious warrior Kara, the two young men embark on a quest to defeat a shadowy evil, avenge the fallen and uncover long-forgotten secrets of a tragic and hidden past. They have the courage and strength to defeat the evil that threatens them?

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Category: Fantasy – Epic