Fall of the Western Kings

by J Drew Brumbaugh

An epic fantasy where, Gant, a reluctant swordsman is pulled to a destiny he doesn’t want along with his friends who aren’t all what they seem. A dark king who is bent on revenge against all that is good summons a demon prince to aid him and only the greatest magic has any chance of stopping them. Gant might be the chess piece capable of neutralizing the demon but a woodland nymph captures his heart and nearly prevents him from getting involved at all.

Previously $3.99

Child of Evil

by J Drew Brumbaugh

The epic fantasy continues when Gant and some of his friends are sent on a quest to save the world from destruction. The lands west of the Monolith Mountains are controlled by a pair of contentious demons. As long as the two demons fight with each other the men of the east are safe. But now a child will be born who can unite the evil factions and set them on a path of conquest and destruction. Thanks to a warning Gant and his friends are given a chance to prevent the catastrophe. And now they have to deal with a moral dilemma, can they kill the child? One way or another they need to do something. Let the quest begin.

Previously $3.99

Category: Fantasy – Epic