
Witch Narratives Reincarnation (Land of Enchantment Witches Trilogy 1)

by Belinda Vasquez Garcia

In Madrid, New Mexico, the villagers hide crosses under the doormats to keep out the local witches. Salia’s family turns into fireballs and travel by the spark of a flame to race across the sky like shooting stars.

Salia is a half-breed living on the fringes of society with her cruel mother and grandmother who tutor her as a witch. “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but humanity will never break me,” so claims the witch, Salia, but she was born with a soft, all too human heart that even being an outcast won’t harden. She has coyotes as her only friends until her family makes her befriend a Catholic girl they have their eye on.

When Salia now a beautiful young woman catches the eye of the arrogant man who owns all of Madrid, the villagers gossip that she has bewitched him. A fanatical, Catholic secret society swears to root out witchcraft like in the days of the Spanish Inquisition.

Previously $3.99

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Category: Dark Fantasy


Ghosts of the Black Rose(Land of Enchantment Witches Trilogy 2)

by Belinda Vasquez Garcia

Ghosts of the Black Rose continues the story of Salia, a witch’s daughter and granddaughter and her Catholic friend, Marcelina.

Strange things are going on in Madrid—a ghost is haunting the opera house theater. Then there is the mysterious marshal, Joseph Quill, asking questions about what happened to Samuel Stuwart. His obsession with Samuel’s widow, the witch Salia, is unhealthy.

Marcelina fears what the fanatical religious Catholics will do to her, if they discover she can contact the dead.

The Land of Enchantment Series is brewed with the little-known world of Southwestern witchcraft. It is a magical tale of friendship, love, betrayal, and toxic family ties. A photograph of three real Native American witches inspired the author. The haunted eyes of the young witch squeezed between her mother & aunt brought forth the idea about a girl forced to follow in her family’s dark footsteps.

Previously $2.99

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