

by S. Smith

It’s 2077. There’s no apocalypse, but some things are different. Things like the weather, the internet, and food. In Clare’s world, blueberry is just a flavor, and apples are found only in fairy tales.

One day, Clare meets a woman who teaches her about real food–not the square, packaged food she has always known. Clare learns about seeds and gardening despite the fact that growing your own food is illegal.

When the authorities discover the children’s illicit tomato plant and arrest their mother, Clare and her brother flee. Clare has heard of a place called “The Garden State,” and with their bikes, a little money, and backpacks, she and Dante begin a lonely cross-country journey that tests them both physically and spiritually. Will they succeed in their quest to find a place of food freedom? And can they, only children, help shape the future?

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Category: Science Fiction – Dystopian



by S. Smith

It’s definitely not what she had in mind for summer vacation.

When her friends disappear under mysterious circumstances, Lily sets out to discover more about the secret organization with which they were involved. Her investigation unearths a disturbing secret from her own past, unsettling her world even more. In the meantime, Lily makes a new friend and falls for a mysterious young man, even as she remains unsure about whom to trust. As her world crashes around her, Lily struggles to decide what to do next.

Lily is volume two of the Seed Savers series but can easily be read out of order. It is is a suspenseful and reflective book with themes of self-empowerment, trust, acceptance of diversity, gardening, and politics.

Previously $3.99

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