Tiz Phoenix and the Witch’s Tree

by K. A. Fenwolfe

When life gives Tiz Phoenix lemons, she hunts life down and kicks it in the shin. She’s a tree nymph. And that’s what tree nymphs do to survive in a modern society that keeps stretching across our Earth. Now that Tiz is thirteen, she’s counting down to a rite of passage that would grant her a powerful object. With it, she could save her woodland home and reach her goal of protecting all things good and green. That is, if she doesn’t get grounded first. The day before the rite, Tiz stumbles upon a pamphlet that her mother dropped — her mom wants to banish her to a military academy for magical beings that lies in the farthest corner of the universe. Unlike other mystical schools that young witches want to get into, Tiz would rather run for the hills to stay out. However, her attempts to avoid going could lead her into a bigger mess — a mystery involving a monstrous tree of legendary evil.

Previously $2.99

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Category: Fantasy – Paranormal & Urban