
Rook (Allie’s War Book One)

by JC Andrijeski

Yanked out of her life by the mysterious and uncommunicative Revik, a spy from a different race, Allie discovers that her blood may not be as “human” as she always thought.

In a modern-day Earth much like ours, Alyson Taylor spent her life distancing herself from Seers, a second race of beings discovered on Earth and enslaved by humans. After getting in trouble with the law and with her own race in question, events in her life start to spiral out of control. When Revik appears, rescuing her from a group of anti-human terrorists and dragging her into an inter-species war, she learns that the world is nothing like it appears to be…and that she has far more in common with Seers than she ever wanted to believe.

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Category: Science Fiction – Metaphysical & Visionary