
LEGACY (The Biodome Chronicles #1)

by Jesikah Sundin

Siblings born and raised inside an earth-based experimental Mars biodome have only known a rustic medieval life rich in traditions and chivalry. Groomed by The Code, they have built a sustainable community devoid of Outsider interference — until the unthinkable happens.

Cultures clash when the high technology of the Anime Tech Movement collides with the Middle Ages in a quest for truth, unfolding a story rich in mystery, betrayal and love.

“A captivating YA hybrid of sci-fi and medieval fantasy, mystery, and romance, Legacy opens The Biodome Chronicles series with divergent worlds on a carefully planned collision course.” — Chanticleer Book Reviews

“Jesikah Sundin is pioneering a whole new genre: near-future medieval fantasy with a cyberpunk twist…” — Selah J. Tay-Song, award-winning author of “Dreams of QaiMaj” series.

Previously $2.99

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Category: Science Fiction – Dystopian