HOOD: A Post-Apocalyptic novel

by Evan Pickering

A Legend is reborn in the American apocalypse.

Hood’s life is gone. Student loans, house parties, video games. . .gone. The world has become a place of pure survival. Lucky for him, he’s a natural with a gun in his hand. Learning to live with pulling the trigger is something else entirely.

Over two years have passed since the collapse of American civilization. Hidden away in the mid-Atlantic countryside rests the small town of Clearwater, where a group of survivors led by a young marksman called Hood and an ex-cop by the name of Whiskey have found security in obscurity. Raging through the remnants of the northeast, two kings, the Kaiser and the Crusader, fight a bloody war for control of the land.

Hood, Whiskey and the Clearwater crew survive by stealing just enough from the Kaiser to keep the town going. But they cannot stay hidden away forever. . .

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Category: Science Fiction – Post-Apocalyptic