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Honor Among Orcs

by Amalia Dillin

For lovers of Warcraft, Tolkien, Beauty & the Beast–or all three!

After nine years as the king’s whipping-girl, Princess Arianna won’t go quietly into marriage to a treasonous noble, or serve as the king’s spy until her death is more convenient. When she discovers an orc trapped inside a magic mirror, Arianna sees a chance for freedom from her father’s abuse.

Left to rot inside the mirror, Bolthorn never imagined his prayers would be answered by a princess. Nor did he expect to meet so worthy a woman after knowing the king’s cruelty. He needs her help to escape before the king marches against the orcs, but all he can offer Arianna is ice and darkness in exchange for aid.

If Arianna can free the monster behind the glass, she will free herself, as well. But once they cross the mountain, there is no return, and the deadly winter is the least of what threatens on the other side.

Previously $3.99

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Category: Fantasy – Myths & Legends