
Extreme Medical Services

by Jamie Davis

Monsters, Paramedics, and Street Medicine.

New paramedic Dean Flynn is fresh out of the academy. When he gets assigned to the unknown backwater ambulance Station U, he wonders what he did wrong. Dean soon learns that his patients aren’t your normal emergency callers.

Dean and his partner Brynne Garvey serve the creatures of myth and legend living alongside their normal human neighbors in Elk City. With patients that are vampires, werewolves, fairies and more, will Dean survive his first days on the new job? Will his patients?

Now all is not well on the streets of Elk City and some humans are striking out at their mythical neighbors. Dean soon finds himself in the middle of a series of attacks on his patients, attacks that implicate a former member of Station U.

Come along on this supernatural ride with “Extreme Medical Services” – part one of the series.

Previously $4.99

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Category: Fantasy – Paranormal & Urban