
Elemental Arcane

by Phaedra Weldon

Samantha Hawthorne lives a rather curious life in New Orleans running a magic and herb shop. As an Elemental Witch in the Big Easy and owner of a wolf Familiar as well as the head of a former Faerie Queen (a real head!), curious is as quiet as it gets for Sam.

Until children start turning into blood-thirsty Changelings and attack their parents.

When one of these children shows up in front of her shop, Sam and her friends are determined to find out where they’re coming from and where the exchanged children are being kept and put a stop to it. But will they succeed when they find themselves pitted against ninja ghouls, the oldest and darkest enemy of the mortal world, and a secret from Sam’s childhood that could unravel her magic?

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Category: Dark Fantasy


Elemental Shadows

by Phaedra Weldon

Elemental Witch and Magic Shop owner, Samantha Hawthorne, faces her future when Clerics, the Witch’s Judiciary Branch, appear and request her aid in proving the self-appointed Witch Queen of New Orleans possesses the rumored Malleus Maleficarum, The Witch’s Hammer. They believe her command of the book’s Arcane power is responsible for the death of three Witch Elders.

But something else is rising in the city as reports of ghost sightings and evil shadows increase. Faced with a lingering fear her own use of Arcane Magic has tainted her in some way, mounting pressure with the threat of a warlock from the Clerics, and suspicion that the evil that escaped her is still influencing her decisions, Samantha calls upon her friends to weave their unique magic together to stop the rampage of Elemental Shadows.

Previously $2.99

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